HomeCertificate templates

Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template

Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template landscape
Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template portrait
Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template landscape
Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template portrait

Used 222 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template

This first-aid training certificate template is a perfect fit for any organization that wants to provide first-aid courses. It's a free, easily customizable tool, ideal for certifying essential emergency response skills in dynamic settings.

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Feel the elegance of our First-Aid and CPR certificate template

Tailored for the dynamic world, this template underscores the importance of emergency action in active environments. Its contemporary design is well-suited for gyms, yoga studios, and wellness centers, offering space for customization with specific training details like CPR and first aid skills, and unique branding elements.

Use Certifier to personalize this stylish template, featuring a crisp blue color scheme and elegant fonts like Playfair Display and Montserrat. It's an effective way to acknowledge the emergency capabilities and commitment to the safety of fitness and wellness professionals.

Types available

  • Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate in Blue (Portrait, 21 x 29.7cm)

  • Modern and Professional First-Aid and CPR Certificate in Blue (Landscape, 29.7 x 21cm)

We make it easy for your fitness or wellness facility to create and issue these important first-aid certificates.

Featured fonts

  • Playfair Display

  • Montserrat

Important: All fonts used are from the Google font collection, which includes only free and open-source font families.

Start designing for free with Certifier and bring a contemporary edge to your certification process!

Free file formats available

  • Certifier template

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

  • Figma certificate template

Opt for digital certificates that support environmental sustainability. Choose the planet.

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