HomeCertificate templates

Organized and professional CE certificate template

Organized and professional CE certificate template landscape
Organized and professional CE certificate template portrait
Organized and professional CE certificate template landscape
Organized and professional CE certificate template portrait

Used 294 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Organized and professional CE certificate template

This one’s for the planners, the organizers, the educators, and pros who love a bit of order. Our green template is your blank sheet – free, customizable, and as organized as you.

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Celebrate your achievements in an organized layout with our Continuing Education certificate template

Ever wanted a certificate that’s as neat as your desk or as organized as your plans? Here it is. It’s a salute to your methodical approach to conquering professional heights in healthcare, education, or any field that values precision.

With Certifier, adding your personal touch to the certificate template is super easy. You can add a QR code, CE credit points, and any certificate element you want. It’s like putting the final piece in a puzzle – satisfying and complete.

Types available

  • Organized and professional green CE certificate in landscape (21 x 29.7cm)

  • Organized and professional green CE certificate in portrait (29.7 x 21cm)

Certifier offers features beyond what you'd expect. It provides a user-friendly design builder, customizable templates, and an all-in-one solution for digital certifications. It’s an efficient tool for any organization, big or small.

Featured fonts

  • Inter

  • Josefin Slab

Important: All fonts used in our templates are from Google's free and open-source collection.

Create eye-catching CE certificates with Certifier's advanced builder. It's quick, easy, and fun. Sign up and start creating!

Free file formats available

Certifier template

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

  • Figma certificate template

Digital is the future. Choose online credentials to make a better choice for the planet.

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Please note that redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

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