HomeCertificate templates

Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template

Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template landscape
Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template portrait
Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template landscape
Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template portrait

Used 666 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate Template

Perfect for corporate and office environments, this subtle CPR and first-aid certificate template offers a sleek design. It's free to download, customizable online, and ideal for recognizing workplace safety training.

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Enhance workplace safety recognition with our subtle First-Aid and CPR template

This template is designed for corporate and office environments, highlighting the importance of first-aid and CPR training in the workplace. Its subtle design is both elegant and professional, suitable for various industries. Customize it with your company's branding, logo, and specific training details.

With Certifier, you can easily tailor this template to your organization's needs. It's an excellent way to formally recognize your employees' commitment to safety.

Types available

  • Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate in Blue (Portrait, 21 x 29.7cm)

  • Professional and Subtle First-Aid and CPR Certificate in Blue (Landscape, 29.7 x 21cm)

Certifier offers more than just certificate creation. It's an all-in-one solution for designing, issuing, and tracking digital credentials.

Featured fonts

  • Marcellus

  • Inter

Important: Fonts used are all from the Google font collection, which includes a wide range of free and open-source fonts.

Start for free with Certifier and streamline your corporate safety certification process! Design and distribute certificates in a few simple steps.

Free file formats available

  • Certifier template

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

  • Figma certificate template

Opt for digital certificates to reduce paper waste. Choose the planet and distribute them online. 

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Redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is not allowed.

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