HomeCertificate templates

Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template

Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template landscape
Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template portrait
Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template landscape
Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template portrait

Used 942 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Traditional and formal scholarship certificate template

Check Certifier’s traditional formal scholarship certificate template out! Free, easy to customize, and perfect for showcasing top achievements in research and innovation in any field.

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See how our free scholarship award certificate template celebrates outstanding contributions

Ready to wow everyone? Our customizable scholarship certificate template is ideal for recognizing standout research and innovative work. The design stands out with a dark red accent that adds a vibrant yet formal feel to any academic event. The layout focuses on the recipient's name and award title in a clean, elegant way.

Certifier lets you adjust it as you like – change the fonts and colors, rearrange elements like university logos, QR codes, or certificate IDs, and make each certificate truly special. Then, distribute them together with a personalized email.

Types available for this template set:

  • Traditional and formal red scholarship certificate template in landscape format (29.7 x 21cm)

  • Traditional and formal red scholarship certificate template in portrait format (21 x 29.7cm)

Certifier offers an easy-to-use solution for certificates. Simplify award management and improve the process: create, issue, and manage certificates in bulk. Also, track how your credentials perform.

Featured fonts

  • Newsreader

  • Roboto

Important: Our choice of Google Fonts free collection ensures each certificate is as readable as it is beautiful, maintaining a high standard of professionalism.

Start using Certifier today for a quick, easy way to make and send certificates. Get started for free!

Free file formats available

  • Certifier template (create, edit, and send certificates in bulk)

  • Figma certificate template

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

Choose digital certificates to make a lasting impression. Remember, you cannot resell or distribute these templates online. - - - Please note that the redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

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