HomeCertificate templates

Vibrant and simple course certificate template

Vibrant and simple course certificate template landscape
Vibrant and simple course certificate template portrait
Vibrant and simple course certificate template landscape
Vibrant and simple course certificate template portrait

Used 942 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Vibrant and simple course certificate template

Surprise your workshop participants. Our vibrant, simple course certificate template in orange is perfect for recognizing attendance and completion at your next seminar or workshop. Customize it easily and for free.

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Why settle for less when you can impress with our online course certificate template for workshops and seminars?

Make each workshop or seminar unforgettable with our vibrant course certificate of completion. The lively orange design captures attention and celebrates your participants' achievements. It's easy to personalize with names, dates, and workshop details right in Certifier. Our platform streamlines your customization process. No more hours spent on paperwork.

If you want to include more information, add the QR code. It brings the readers to a digital version of the certificate where you can add more details, for example, on your course, institute, and more. Certifier makes it easier for you to issue beautiful certificates. Customize the course certificate format, design, and efficiently distribute it to all attendees, ensuring everyone leaves with a lasting memory in the form of a certificate.

Types available for this free certificate set:

  • Vibrant and simple orange course certificate template in landscape format (29.7 x 21cm)

  • Vibrant and simple orange course certificate template in portrait format (21 x 29.7cm)

With Certifier, design and distribution are straightforward and fast. You can focus on delivering great content at your workshops and seminars.

Featured fonts:

  • Josefin Sans

Important: Our choice of Google Fonts free collection ensures each certificate is as readable as it is beautiful, maintaining a high standard of professionalism.

Start designing with Certifier today! Just a few clicks and you're on your way to creating professional, memorable certificates.

Free file formats available:

  • Certifier template (create, edit, and send certificates in bulk)

  • Figma certificate template

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

Switch to digital certificates for secure, shareable, and eco-friendly recognition. Save trees and create great certificates today. - - - Please note that the redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

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