HomeCertificate templates

Artistic and professional academic certificate template

Artistic and professional academic certificate template landscape
Artistic and professional academic certificate template portrait
Artistic and professional academic certificate template landscape
Artistic and professional academic certificate template portrait

Used 942 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Artistic and professional academic certificate template

Here’s the template you can use to acknowledge every workshop or course in the academic setting. It's easy to customize online with Certifier and free to download!

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Celebrate creativity with our artistic and professional academic certificate template

We've got a template for artistic academic certificates that's perfect for recognizing achievements at educational workshops. The green color and outstanding design elements make it a beautiful choice for any creative project. This honor roll certificate template can be tailored to suit a variety of purposes, making it highly customizable.

Certifier’s platform makes customizing this template a joy. Add your organization’s logo, special wording, and CPD hours to create a unique academic excellence certificate template. Certifier allows you to design and send certificates in bulk with ease. Plus, you can track who has received and opened their certificates so that every accomplishment is celebrated.

Types available for this free academic certificate set

  • Artistic and professional green academic certificate template in landscape format (21 x 29.7cm)

  • Artistic and professional green academic certificate template in portrait format (29.7 x 21cm)

Certifier simplifies the process of creating and distributing certificates. Choose this template, customize it with your details, and honor your students' achievements in a creative and professional manner.

Fonts featured in this certificate template

  • Inter

Important: All fonts used in this academic excellence certificate template are from the Google font collection. This collection includes free and open-source font families.

Certifier is the easiest tool for managing digital certificates. Send certificates to recipients’ inboxes automatically and give them forever-access to the digital wallet with advanced validation features. Join us today!

Free file formats available

  • Certifier template (create, edit, and send certificates in bulk)

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

  • Figma certificate template

Choose digital certificates and help reduce environmental impact. Together with Certifier. - - - Please note that the redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

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