HomeCertificate templates

Subtle and professional academic certificate template

Subtle and professional academic certificate template landscape
Subtle and professional academic certificate template portrait
Subtle and professional academic certificate template landscape
Subtle and professional academic certificate template portrait

Used 942 times

29.7 x 21 cm

Subtle and professional academic certificate template

Celebrate school attendance or participation with our subtle and professional academic certificate template. This blue template is free to download and easy to customize online, perfect for any school activity or program.

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Get a subtle and professional academic certificate template, free to customize and download

Our subtle and professional academic certificate template is designed to recognize regular attendance or active participation in school activities and programs. The sophisticated blue color and clean fonts make it an ideal choice for any academic institution.

With Certifier, personalizing this template is simple. Add your school's logo, custom text, and any specific details like CPD hours. Distribute certificates directly to recipients, verify issued credentials, and manage all your certificates through a user-friendly dashboard. Ready to make this template branded?

Types available for this free academic certificate set

  • Subtle and professional blue academic certificate template in landscape format (21 x 29.7cm)

  • Subtle and professional blue academic certificate template in portrait format (29.7 x 21cm)

With Certifier, creating and sending certificates is easy and efficient. Select this template, customize it with school details, save it, and then use it over and over again whenever you need to celebrate your students' participation.

Fonts featured in this certificate template

  • Inter

  • Roboto

Important: All fonts used in this academic excellence certificate template are from the Google font collection. This collection includes free and open-source font families.

Certifier is the easiest (and fastest) tool for creating digital certificates. Customize and send your secure certificates quickly. Enjoy features like easy distribution, verification, social media sharing, and a comprehensive management dashboard. Check it out for free.

Free file formats available

  • Certifier template (create, edit, and send certificates in bulk)

  • Microsoft Word certificate template

  • Figma certificate template

Digital certificates are eco-friendly and reduce environmental impact. Make Certifier your first choice. - - - Please note that the redistribution of these templates for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

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