Powerful API & Integrations

Powerful API & Integrations

Connect Certifier with tools you’re already using thanks to 5,000+ integrations and a powerful API.

Integrate with zapier - Certifier features

Integrate with 5,000+ apps via Zapier

Connect Certifier with the apps you’re already using to streamline and simplify your certification issuing workflows. 

Automated workflows - Certifier features

Create automated workflows

Automate certificate generation. Instantly issue certificates upon course completion, webinar conclusion, or survey submission.

Api support - Certifier features

Access API technical support

Run into an issue? Get instant help by accessing Certifier’s on-demand technical support team.

Powerful api - Certifier features

Do more with a powerful API

Leverage Certifier's API to integrate it into your apps and systems for even greater functionality and customization.

Access comprehensive api documentation - Certifier features

Access comprehensive API documentation

Learn how to leverage Certifier’s API to its fullest potential with detailed documentation that explains everything.

Create and Send Digital Credentials

Take your digital certificate creation process to the next level!

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